National Reconciliation Week 2023

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is held every year from 27 May-3 June.

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is an important time to reflect on our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore ways in which we can achieve a more just, equitable, and reconciled country for all.

This year’s theme, “Be a Voice for Generations,” encourages us all to stand up and be a voice for reconciliation in tangible, achievable ways.

The dates for NRW remain the same every year (27 May-3 June) and commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey: the successful 1967referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. Today, National Reconciliation Week is celebrated by individuals, groups, communities, and organisations across Australia.

How can you get involved?

Be a voice for listening

Sometimes being a voice means listening to the conversation and educating yourself on the topic before speaking. Join Red Dust in our online public yarn, which will be held on Wednesday 31 May, at 12pm. Register your interest here.


Be a voice for action

Actions speak louder than words and reconciliation takes action. Find National Reconciliation Week activities near you through the Reconciliation Australia event calendar or connect with your local Traditional Custodians and First Nations groups to find out what issues you should stand with them on and help amplify their voices.


Be a voice for truth-telling

When talking about the history of Australia, state the facts and support First Nations people’s truth-telling. Start by watching this 4-minute Uluru Statement from the Heart video.


Be a voice for learning

Continue your ongoing cultural education journey and test your knowledge in our myth-busting module: Unlearn & Uncover: Myth-busting Australian History.


Let’s all be active allies and use the power of words and actions to create a better and more just Australia for all. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for generations to come.
